5X Your Email List with high-value leads On-Repeat & Sell-Out Your offers

How to quickstart the planning of your first Micro Audio Summit so that you create an in-demand event.

The biggest mistakes people - and how to avoid them so that you don't miss out on potential sales.


During this training, you'll learn...

lead-generation & List-Building MASTERCLASS

Learn the secret to rapidly multiplying your email list with high-value leads who are primed and ready to buy!

hosted by: Wendy Breakstone
lead-generation & AI Marketing Strategist
Creator of the Micro Audio Summit System

The simple 4-step framework that drives HUNDREDS of new leads to your email list every quarter.

*BONUS* How I use AI in the Micro Audio Summit System to save my clients 10-20 hours of time!

This is for you if...

You're ready to stop being the best-kept secret and stand out as and expert in your space.

You're ready to STOP being dependent on social media for leads and followers.

You want to create new partnerships and collabs with others in your industry, but don't currently have a way to meet them.

add hundreds of ideal leads to your email list and fill your funnel with perfect-fit clients each quarter.

You have a proven offer and are ready to fill your programs and 1-to-1 services.